1.1-Why your back hurts and how to heal it without surgery
2.0-Where do you hurt? Your online history and physical exam
2.1-What's up with your back?-Interpreting your personalized test results
2.2-What discs do
2.3-The pain is in your bedroom (and your kitchen)
2.4-Stop hurting yourself!
2.5-How to Use the Rest of the Program
3.0-Determining your personal pain relieving movement
3.1-TROUBLESHOOTING: Pain with extension-SI joint and lateral disc herniation
3.2-TROUBLESHOOTING: Pain with extension-Facet joints and superior cluneal nerves
3.3-TROUBLESHOOTING: Pain with extension-Femoral nerve
3.4-REFERENCE: Hip Hinge-Box Squat-Sumo Deadlift
3.5-REFERENCE: Performance based cues for lifting
3.6-REFERENCE-McKenzie Prone Press Up (PPU)
3.7-REFERENCE-McKenzie Prone Prop
3.8-REFERENCE-Static openers
3.9-REFERENCE-How to Manage Flare Ups
3.10-REFERENCE-Managing morning back pain
4.0-McGill and DNS Models of Stability in the Spine
4.1-Principles of hip dissociation
4.2-EXERCISE-Bird dog
4.3-EXERCISE-Trunk raise
4.4-EXERCISE-Side plank
4.6-EXERCISE-Low oblique sitting
4.7-EXERCISE-Tripod sit to bear crawl
4.8-EXERCISE-DNS rolling pattern
4.9-EXIT TEST-Lumbar FCE
4.10-BONUS-The Posture Talk
5.0-Developing mobility in the upper back and hips
5.1-Assessing hip and thoracic spine mobility
5.2-EXERCISE-Thoracic mobility-Quadruped thoracic rotation
5.3-EXERCISE-Thoracic mobility-Overhead wall squat
5.4-EXERCISE-Hip mobility-Z sits and shin boxes
5.5-EXERCISE-Hip mobility-Goblet squat stretch
5.6-EXIT TEST-Chapter 5
6.0-EDUCATION-How the Mind-Body Connection Affects Chronic Back Pain
7.0-EDUCATION-Rotary stability
7.1-EXERCISE-Hollow Body
7.2-EXERCISE-Pallof Press
7.3-EXERCISE-Chops-Tall 1/2 Kneeling
7.4-EXIT TEST-Rolling Plank
8.0-EDUCATION-Epigenetics and pain
9.0-EDUCATION-Building strength
9.1-EDUCATION-Performance based cues for exercise-rooting, stacking, lat engagement
9.3-SQUAT-Split squat
9.4-SQUAT-Bulgarian split squat
9.5-SQUAT-Landmine squat
9.6-LUNGE-Reverse lunge
9.8-LUNGE-Side lunge
9.9-LUNGE-Forward lunge
9.10-PUSH-Push up
9.11-PUSH-OH kneeling press
9.12-PUSH-Landmine press
9.13-PUSH-Floor press
9.14-PULL-Lat pull downs
9.15-PULL-Inverted rows
9.17-PULL-Pull ups
9.18-CARRY-Farmer's walks
9.19-CARRY-Suitcase carry
9.20-CARRY-Sandbag carry
9.21-CARRY-Racked kettlebell carry
10.0-EDUCATION-The agile spine
10.1-EXERCISE-Turkish get up (TGU)
10.2-EXERCISE-Single leg deadlift
11.0-EDUCATION-Power progressions in the spine
11.1-EDUCATION-Preparing for power-Hip dissociation drills
11.2-EXAMPLE-Met-Con for Q1
11.3-SQUAT-High box steps ups
11.4-SQUAT-Kettlebell swings
11.5-SQUAT-High box jumps
11.6-LUNGE-Scissors lunges
11.8-LUNGE-Twisting scissors lunges
11.9-PUSH-Push ups
11.10--PUSH-Kneeling OH press
11.11-PUSH-Spiderman crawl
11.12-PULL-Pull ups
11.13-PULL-Inverted rows
11.14-PULL-1 arm KB rows
11.15-CARRY-Farmer's walk
11.16-CARRY-Racked KB carry
11.17-CARRY-Sandbag carry
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